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+420 605 178 049

Fee return

Do you have too much work this month or an important exam coming up? Can you not start or attend the course you have signed up for?

We understand that this happens to everyone. We try to solve each situation individually and find a solution that satisfies you.

We might offer that you attend the course starting from a different date, or we can try to come up with a different course or a workshop you might be interested in.

We try to keep very competitive prices and work with the best teachers, which means that it is not always possible to completely return the fee paid for the course if a cancellation request comes really late. If we can’t work anything out as to reschedule or find a different solution, then the following rules apply:

– 100% of the paid fee is returned if it is requested 30 days or more before the start of the course.

– 80% of the paid fee is returned if it is requested 14 to 29 days before the start of the course.

– 50% of the paid fee is returned if it is requested 7 to 13 days before the start of the course.

– 30% of the paid fee is returned if it is requested 3 to 6 days before the start of the course.

– 20% of the paid fee is returned if it is requested 3 or fewer days before the start of the course.

You can always offer your place in a course to a friend. Just let us know in advance.

Place in the course can be transferred to a friend, family member etc. with no fees whatsoever. In any case – we will do everything we can to find a solution, so that you can happily create amazing things!

Similarly as in the case with courses, vouchers (gift certificate) for Draw Planet courses upon agreement can be transferred to a friend, family member with no further expenses.

Voucher can only be used by the intended person, voucher recipient. Change in the intended person is possible, but has to be agreed with Draw Planet. Therefore if you want to change the intended voucher recipient, please write to Draw Planet and we will confirm it with the initial voucher buyer.

Please bear in mind that voucher (gift certificate) for Draw Planet courses can not be returned, exchanged for money or other goods etc.



Please write us to [email protected]
