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Classes continue, hygiene recommendations, other news from Draw Planet

1. October 2020

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Hi from Draw Planet! 🙂

Courses in the studios run according to the schedule, same day, same time. Looking forward to seeing you 🙂

Due to the announced measures and recommendations, it is necessary to follow certain hygienic rules in our studios as well.

1. In the studios, tables and seating are arranged so as to maintain a sufficient distance between the participants. If you move and change places, please pay attention to keeping distance.

2. There is always only one participant behind each table or easel.

3. We have not yet restored the previously common forms of refreshments in the studios. But there is available water in small bottles.

4. We try to keep groups slightly smaller than before. Therefore, we ask for understanding if it will be a little difficult to find a suitable date for replacing missed lessons. However, we will always gradually find a solution together. 🙂

5. In our studios, disinfection takes place as part of the daily cleaning. We disinfect every day, some areas several times a day.

6. Wearing masks is mandatory in the studios and hand sanitizer is available at the entrance. Please use sanitizer, as this significantly reduces the risk of transfer from outdoor areas (public transport, shops etc.). If you can not use sanitizer, wash your hands with soap please.

7. If you forget the mask, don’t worry. For such cases, we have free masks ready at our reception.

We ask for your understanding and cooperation in maintaining the safest possible environment.

If you have any questions or need advice on anything, write to us at [email protected] and we will find a solution. 🙂


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