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Acrylics online. Live painting course for beginners

4,8 / 5
More than 150 reviews
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Snímek obrazovky 2020-12-15 v 16.34.52
Snímek obrazovky 2020-12-15 v 15.44.24
Snímek obrazovky 2020-12-17 v 12.10.15
Snímek obrazovky 2020-12-16 v 11.52.28
akryl draw planet kurz online
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Snímek obrazovky 2020-12-15 v 16.34.52
Snímek obrazovky 2020-12-15 v 15.44.24
Snímek obrazovky 2020-12-17 v 12.10.15
Snímek obrazovky 2020-12-16 v 11.52.28

How does it work?

Remote online course

Remote online course

The course is remote, with live lessons taking place online. You will be a part of a small group of students, making art together in real time by following the teacher's instructions and receiving regular, personalized feedback.

Live lessons with a teacher

Live lessons with a teacher

Your teacher will guide you through the entire process in real time, helping and consulting you on your creations as they come to life. WIth expert personalized advice and on point improvement tips, beautiful results are guaranteed!

Real time support

Real time support

Your teacher will demonstrate the entire process slowly and clearly, answering any questions you might have and checking on your progress several times in each lesson. Live online art is for everyone, don't be afraid to start!

You can do it

You can do it

Your teacher will introduce you to theory, share a ton of tips and tricks, provide step by step guidance all the way, and give regular feedback on your work until you achieve an amazing result. Your works are guaranteed to bring a smile to your face!

A computer with an internet connection is all you need

A computer with an internet connection is all you need

It's really simple! All you need to do is to turn on your computer, connect to the internet and be online and ready at a specified time. Create amazing things and artworks in the comfort of your home, office, or anywhere else.

Revisit the lessons

Revisit the lessons

Recordings of all lessons, presentations, learning materials, reference pictures, and links to further resources are available any time during the course, so you will never really miss a lesson, even if you do miss a live lesson.

Jump into the world of colour! We will teach you to create amazing acrylic art even if you are complete beginner. Let’s start!

Do you want to learn acrylic painting but don’t know where to begin? Or perhaps you have already started experimenting on your own, but you want a solid foundation to build on as well? You will learn everything you need with the Draw Planet online acrylic course – from handling the paint and the canvas all the way to the rules of composition. Discover the most popular painting technique of our day and create several beautiful pieces of art along the way!

You’ll see that mastering acrylic paint is not difficult at all. Your online teacher will tell you everything you need to know about the paint, different brushes, and other important tools. You will learn to mix colours and create smooth gradients, see how underpainting is made, and learn to capture volume, light, and shadow. We will start small, practising theoretical knowledge and proper technique on a small canvas. Then, we will paint an animal to focus on small details, and finally, tackle a beautiful landscape as our next project, using all the previous experience. Our online guiding hand will be with you every step of the way, with the teacher giving you personalized feedback and advice as your work progresses, making sure that you have mastered the foundations of acrylics by the end of our journey.

Online acrylic painting course is great for complete beginners, but more experienced folks are sure to learn new things and have fun too! The online courses are designed for small groups of students, so the teacher can answer all your questions and help each student with individual advice while creating their own pieces with you, explaining every step of the process and giving live, real time feedback to everyone. 

Your teacher will guide you through the entire course plan which we have developed with great care and attention. You will learn everything you need, from the complete basics to advanced techniques. Your teacher will check your work several times during each lesson, offering tips and tricks for improvement, so you can easily create amazing artworks that you can then display with pride!

We promise that you will have fun and create art pieces that will bring you joy every time you look at them. Now don’t waste any more time – enrol now and join us on a creative journey from the comfort of your home!

See course plan Hide course plan

Course plan

1 Basics of acrylics
2 Larger painting, volume, light, shadow
3 More on mixing colours
4 Painting an animal, medium-sized canvas
5 Painting an animal, part two
6 Finishing up the animal painting
7 Painting a landscape, larger canvas
8 Painting a landscape, part two
> Bonus lesson

Check out our course gallery; you will make amazing art like that too!

Snímek obrazovky 2020-12-15 v 15.42.08
Snímek obrazovky 2020-12-15 v 12.08.53
Snímek obrazovky 2020-12-17 v 12.15.14
Snímek obrazovky 2020-12-15 v 10.57.44
Snímek obrazovky 2020-12-15 v 11.57.19

Jdeš do toho s námi?

8 z 10 účasníků pokračuje dalším kurzem

Tvořte s námi online!

Be online and ready at a specified time and let your teacher remotely guide you through the creative process, step by step.

The lessons are remote and online, but your teacher is ready to provide support and help in real time during each lesson.

Create amazing artworks that are guaranteed to make you proud – all online, with a friendly teacher at your disposal!

Remote online courses

With remote online courses, you'll make art together with a small group of students and your teacher, connected by the power of an online meeting.

Taught in real time

Teachers lead small groups of students on a creative online journey, explaining theory and demonstrating practical skills as they make their artwork at the same pace as you.

Immediate feedback

You can count on your teacher giving you a load of individual tips, tricks, support, and personalized feedback on your work in progress in each lesson!

You can do it

You'll do great, even if it's your first ever encounter with art! Our teachers will take you through theory and practice step by step, ready to help you along the way.

Final certificate

You will receive a beautiful completion certificate after the course is over.

All you need is a computer with an internet connection

Surely you already have that at home! The technical side is very straightforward, you just need a PC or a laptop with an internet connection. Once that is set, you can start making art in the comfort of your home, with the best teachers giving live online guidance, tips, and tricks.
Join us and get creative without leaving your living room!

Background materials available after lessons

Recorded lessons, presentations, learning materials and other resources are available at any time during and after the course.

Get the best tools at a great price!

We can take care of art supplies for you too. Use the option to get them directly from us, bundled with the course at a great price.

Let's make art online, in real time! It's really easy. Come join us!

Přihlásit se na kurz

Doporučuje 97 % absolventů kurzu

Join the Draw Planet universe and unlock your creative potential. We look forward to meeting you!

4,8 / 5
More than 150 reviews

Profesionálně vedený kurz pro začátečníky i pokročilé, motivující lektoři z vás vycucají maximum a výsledky stojí za to. Určitě to nebyl můj poslední kurz.

Barbora T.


“...Skvělé výtvarné kurzy…”

Alena N.


Perfektní lektor, který ukáže základy a prozradí vychytávky, jak zlepšit malbu. Mne se to moc líbilo a kurz doporučuji.

Zdeněk K.


Je to parádní relax a všichni z draw planet jsou úžasní!

Michaela S.


“...Neverila jsem,ze dokazu namalovat neco tak pekneho. Lektorka je moc fajn a se vsim pomuze...”

Veronika M.


Jsem velmi spokojen!

Piotr R.


“...Byla to zábava a hodně jsme se naučili, takže vřele doporučuji…”

Olga P.


Super kurzy, velmi přátelští a milí lektoři. Již jsem absolvovala 2 kurzy a na další se opět přihlásim. Mohu jedině doporučit

Kateřina Š.


doporucuji je to bomba...i drevo naucili kreslit:))))

Martina Ch.


“Kurzy jsou naprosto perfektní. Absolvovala jsem již 2 a vždy jsem byla spokojená…”

Veronika B.


“...Profesionální přístup a pokrok v malbě zaručen!”

Ludmila D.


Spokojenost ve vsech smerech

Václav K.


Nejlepší kurzy kreslení!

Viktoriya M.


Kurz byl pro mě obrovským přínosem :)

Karina S.


"...Mohu vytvářet osobitá díla, jak jsem si vždy přál. Krom toho je to krásný relax k mé vědecké profesi. Rozhodně všem doporučuji. Stojí to za to..."

Miroslav S.


Skvělé, relax a vše nádherně vysvětleno.

Vendula Z.


Nemůžu říct nic jiného, než velká spokojenost

Zdeňka M.


Maximalni relax a inspirace, urcite zkusim vice kurzu :)))

Jitka S.


Kurz byl zakoupen jako dárek pro mou 14ti letou dceru, která byla s kurzem nadšená.

Jana J.


“...Díky profesionálnímu a vřelému přístupu jsem si rozšířila a zlepšila své znalosti…”

Zuzka N.


Skvělé kurzy, kterými provázejí inspirativní lektoři.

Martina B.


Rozhodně doporučuju :)

Marie H.


“...Vždy byl milý a vstřícný přístup…”

Eliška A.


Přátelský přístup lektorů a týmu Draw planet, díky kterým vidím skutečně rychlé pokroky ve schopnosti kreslit :)).

Žanet S.


Skvělé! Přátelské! Povzbuzující!

Lenka A.


“...Každý týden jsem se již nemohla dočkat další lekce. Všechny byly velmi zajímavé, inspirující a člověk úplně zapomněl na okolní svět!”

Jana K.


Mohu jedině doporučit. Navštívil jsem již několik kurzů a určitě budu dále pokračovat

Jan B.


“...Mohu jen doporučit…”

Marie R.


How do the lessons work?

1. Art supplies

You can find a full list of tools and supplies needed for the course below.

For every course, we prepared packages of art supplies that are ready to be conveniently shipped right to your door. Using our years of experience, we assemble packages full of high-quality art supplies that include everything you’ll need to complete your course, at a very friendly price. 

But of course, getting your own supplies is always an option, too.

Below you can find the list of supplies needed to complete the course.

2. Technical issues

You need a functioning computer with a stable internet connection to participate in online courses. A screen of at least 12” is recommended to make sure you can see all the details clearly. Don’t use a smartphone to watch the lessons – the screen size is too small to deliver the intended experience and lesson quality.

We will ask you to download a couple of free apps designed for comfortable online live lessons before the start of the course. Have no fear, all details and simple installation guides will be provided to make sure everyone can do it.

3. Live lessons in real time

Teachers use live online meetings to engage their small group of students, with lessons taking place once a week, on a same day and at the same time. The courses are designed for complete beginners and intermediate artists. Your teacher will create their own work step by step, at the same pace as the students, explaining, supporting, and helping the student along the way.

Every lesson starts with a short, interesting theoretical introduction. Then you will move on to small practical exercises and finally, you will be following in the teacher’s footsteps, creating your own beautiful artworks, little by little. You will do great, even if you are a complete beginner just starting to discover the world of art and creativity! Your teacher will take time to look at each students’ work multiple times during each lesson, offering guidance and advice.

4. Don't worry about missed lessons

It’s okay if you miss a lesson. They are recorded, and you can access the recordings on demand and simply catch up on the missed lesson whenever you want – they are available during the entire course and for several months afterwards. You will also get access to presentations and links to further resources.

5. How long is the course?

There are 8 lessons and a final bonus lesson at the end. Each lesson is 3 hours long. 

Lessons take place once a week, on the day and at the time of the first lesson.

In total, you’ll get 27 hours of amazing interactive live lessons with the best teachers, as well as lesson recordings, tips, references to further reading, and other materials.

6. How much is it?

There are two options to choose from:

– Get the course in a bundle with a full package of art supplies 

– Get the course only; you’ll have to get the supplies yourself

Course + supplies bundle: 300 £. The bundle comes with all art supplies needed for the course worth 3 500 CZK, and peace of mind for you.

Course without supplies: 250 £. We will give you a list of supplies that you will have to buy by yourself.

7. What else do I need?

To get the best experience, make sure you have enough space and a good light source (a desk lamp, at least), a desk, a chair, some paper tissues, and water to clean brushes.

As for the internet connection, one that can play YouTube videos well is more than enough. No special computer is needed – if it doesn’t lag too much during daily use, like web browsing or watching films online, you’re good to go! Last but not least, you will need a headset with a microphone to communicate with your teacher.

Sign Up for a Live Online Course

Sign Up for Acrylics Online, a live remote course for beginners

Your information

Choose your preferred option


We will use this address to send you the supplies a few days before the start of the course

We send supplies by DHL Express (free delivery)

Course terms


Draw Place Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

This is an online remote course, which means lessons are live, but taught remotely. Small groups of students work online, together with their teacher.

What if I miss a lesson?

No biggie! You can watch recordings of past lessons and follow the teacher's instructions without missing anything. You will also get access to presentations and links to further resources.

What if I have no skill?

No worries! We work with a lot of students and beginner artists with no prior experience who think exactly that. That is why the groups are small, to allow the teacher to tend to every student. We want you to master whatever technique you are working on, but most importantly, we want you to have fun, and to discover the joy of the creative process and the happiness that it can bring.

What if I have no talent whatsoever?

Nonsense, every person is talented, even you! Because talent isn't something magical; it's the willingness to pursue the creative activity that you enjoy without giving up. Creative drive and diligence are the real secret! You have nothing to worry about – our courses are designed with complete beginners in mind, and soon you will discover your hidden skills and potential which we will hone together.

How many people are on a course?

We keep the online groups small to make sure there is always enough space to answer questions and give feedback to everyone. Usually, there are 10–12 people tops, so the teacher can help and tend to every single student. When working online, the instructor guides the students through every artwork with step by step demonstrations, so everyone can keep up at a smooth pace.

I was horrible at art in school, so what's the point?

There is a point :) Our teachers have a much different, positive approach, with course plans that cover both theory and practice to make sure everyone can do it. And, most importantly, our teachers are professionals who love art with all their hearts, and they want you to love art too, which is why they will guide you to achieve amazing results!

How fast does my internet connection need to be?

If you can comfortably watch YouTube videos or online films, then you're good to go :) Your internet connection should be able to handle our courses.

What if I'm not very tech-savvy?

No need to worry. Our online course interface is really simple and very intuitive. And if you do run into trouble, our admin team is always ready to jump in and help.

What if I can't keep up?

The teacher works slowly, carefully explaining and demonstrating every step, so there is no need to worry. Plus, you can always watch the recordings of past lessons and finish whatever you need.

One needs to practice something from a young age to be any good...

You are never too old for creativity! All you need to do is take the first step and dive into regular creative sessions with our amazing teachers. You'll be surprised at what you can do! :) Our courses welcome people of all ages; it's the creative passion that brings us together.

What if everyone else is much more skilled than I am?

Our courses are designed for complete beginners with no prior experience and our teachers approach every student individually, working through the course plan together, so don't be afraid of falling behind.

What if I need to revisit something after the lesson?

Course materials will be available for the duration of the entire course and a few weeks after the end, and the same goes for lesson recordings – you can watch them right after the lesson, any time during the course, and a few weeks after the course has ended.

I will need to get tons of supplies...

Actually, you won't! Simply buy the course bundled with the supplies we have prepared and dive right into the creative world without having to do all the shopping yourself. It's that easy!

What if my internet connection goes down?

All live lessons are recorded, and you can watch them later, so don't worry about missing anything.

Who are your teachers?

Our teachers are the best! They are nice, friendly, skilled, experienced, and, most importantly, they truly love art.

Are we getting homework and grades?

No :) The course is designed with the allocated time in mind. If you want to work on your own outside of the lessons, we have a list of resources and inspiration for extra work. And don't expect to get graded, we're not an elementary school :) Our teachers will always walk you through every step of the way and share tips and tricks in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.

What if I'm all thumbs?

If you do have a desire to paint, draw, or create any other type of art, then all the thumbs in the world can't stop you! What does it mean anyway? That your fine motors skills are lacking? That's something you can improve with practice. That you have a mental block from childhood? We can work together to remove it. That you don't have enough patience? You can learn it. And for some techniques, precision isn't that important anyway. Just give it a go! You'll be surprised at how much you can achieve on the very first lesson :)

I don't want to do boring exercises.

That's why fun is an important aspect that we keep in mind for all our courses! We promise that boredom is the last thing you can expect. How could anyone get bored when there is so much to achieve and such beautiful things to create? Our teachers’ energy and friendly attitude are guaranteed to make the creative process fun and exciting!

I already own some supplies. Can I only buy what I'm missing from you?

Currently we only sell supplies in packages, but our prices are very competitive, so it might still be worth getting the entire package from us and then expand it with whatever you might need in the future.



Charismatic and energetic, Dominik, graduate of Prague's Academy of Figurative Arts has his own distinct painting style. He works intensively with conceptual painting, reinterpretation of classical works and figurative realism. He is an excellent teacher and is loves sharing his knowledge across many different techniques, styles and courses with our students. Come and join!


Zdenek loves portraits and pastel. Every single one of his works attempt to find unique individuality and essence of a person he draws. After studying in VSUP, he is now interested in 3D modelling and pastel. At Draw Planet he teaches courses for beginners, pastel, portrait, drawing and oil painting.


Our great lecturer Pavel after graduating from SUPŠ and AVU under guidance from professor Beran is actively exhibiting and cooperating with museums and is engaged in a variety of his hobbies. He teaches course of realistic oil painting as well as oil painting for advanced. He is very fluent in various techniques but works mostly with photorealism and hyperrealism.


You rarely meet such an amazing combination of a talented artists and a very skilled pedagogue. Klara is exactly the case. In her remarkably young age she managed to study at Charles University on the Faculty of Pedagogy and she is now enrolled in the Academy of Figurative Art in Prague. She constructs amazing lessons with both children and adults and it is just simply a pleasure to be in one of her classes.

Kristyna M

The funniest academic painter of Draw Planet. Kristyna is capable to explain even the most sophisticated topics in a very straightforward and accessible manner. Her classical training in Sofia combined with a very productive period of commercial illustration and animation have made her a great lecturer. She has a big of individual and collective exhibitions. Kristyna teaches painting and drawing classes, pastel and portrait courses. Her enthusiasm for art is contagious and you will love being at her classes. She is technically impeccable and very approachable as a person.

More about course

Do you feel drawn to vibrant colours? With our online acrylic painting course, you will learn to use them! But where do you even begin? You can stop asking that question – our amazing, experienced, energetic teachers are here to explain and demonstrate everything! Your teacher will look at your work several times during each live lesson and offer specific tips just for you. Our online acrylic painting course is perfect for everyone taking their first steps with a brush or those who feel they need a more solid base. Together, we will mix colours, master light and shadow and learn to create volume in our work. Your teacher will teach you how to make an underpainting, and how to get colours in just the perfect shade. You will have several artworks of your very own making to display when the online course is over!

Acrylic paint is the most popular artistic medium of the day. No wonder, really – it is quick to dry, you can mix it with water, and there is a plethora of vibrant colours to choose from. Try it and see why it’s loved by so many! You will learn to paint even if you are a complete beginner, and you can do it online, from the comfort of your home! Join a small group of students and embark on a creative adventure with a friendly teacher leading you on your journey. 

Are you looking for an online course on acrylic painting in English? Well, you’ve come to the right place! That’s exactly what we have, and we promise you will enjoy learning acrylic remotely, online. Take a creative leap and join us – learning art online has never been so easy!

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